Balance REDBOA – 6th Forum REDBOA

Gonzalo Reboledo, Director-General of IMPO (Uruguay) and current President of REDBOA, began the works of the 6th Forum of REDBOA, performing at the Mercure Grand Hotel Parque do Ibirapuera. "We are solidifying what do 6 years was a dream.
We started the activities, ready to listen and participate in all the debates,"said Reboledo, who thanked the presence of the participants, especially the European teams. Portugal and Spain.
The official press, Marcos Monteiro, Director-Presidente welcomed the Group and spoke about the importance of the event: "In the past, official presses have failed to make it clear to the society were its powers". Marcos Monteiro also commented on the demonstrations that occurred this year in Brazil, when the people cry out for more transparency in the actions of the Government. This lack of communication "needs to be resolved. Official presses can be the instrument to give answers to precise society".
Harold Zager, President of press official in Rio de Janeiro, presented developed advertising pieces to explain which is the role of the official presses. He offered the possibility of using the same campaign to disclose its institutions members of REDBOA and ABIO.
Hector heel, gerente-general of imports, and Gonzalo Reboledo highlighted major points of the Statute of REDBOA, as well as news of the network and actions in 2013.

Source: Imprensa Oficial
6 ° Forum REDBOA


Official photo